

分享 中国历史长卷
MingHao 2022-7-22 09:21
时间轴定位历史,帝王世系表定位朝代,5000年中国历史脉络、线索,一目了然。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AQ92fObu48u81XQtq5cOXg
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分享 Slavery in Presidents' Neighborhood
MingHao 2022-7-10 13:06
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分享 首都华盛顿内务部大楼内的壁画
MingHao 2022-6-1 05:30
去DC的人建议预约内务部办公楼里看这个。电话预约 202-208 4743 每个礼拜二,四下午两点参观壁画这两两幅壁画分别讲述了一个麦卡锡和种族隔离的时代的故事。这副壁画被麦卡锡定义为"Communist " 病得不轻吧?这位女歌手险些因为族裔被禁止上台演唱 ...
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分享 NYC schools will launch Asian American and Pacific Islander history program this
MingHao 2022-5-30 04:58
https://gothamist.com/news/nyc-schools-will-launch-asian-american-and-pacific-islander-history-program-this-fall https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/new-york-city-schools-to-teach-aapi-heritage-under-new-curriculum/
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分享 OPINION What is the American Identity?
MingHao 2022-5-29 14:28
By LOWELL SUN | PUBLISHED: July 13, 2018 Identity has become very prominent in American culture in recent years. What you look like; where you come from; how much you earn and how you talk, are the superficial indices that many use to peg you into one group or another. W ...
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分享 The Collapse of American Identity
MingHao 2022-5-29 14:25
In his new book, “ Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal ,” George Packer writes that the United States is in a state of disrepair, brought about primarily by the fact that “inequality undermined the common faith that Americans need to create a successful multi-everything democracy. ...
个人分类: 族裔自信文化自信|1538 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Evolution of the American Identity
MingHao 2022-5-29 14:19
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分享 What Is The American Identity And How Should Immigrants Be Absorbed?
MingHao 2022-5-29 14:19
Andy J. SemotiukContributor I write about investor immigration and about Immigration issues. It is no exaggeration to say that the United States always was, is now and always will be a nation of immigrants. From the first migrants who crossed the Bering Strait to Alaska and migrated down the ...
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