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Procedure for Making Copyright Infringement Notification

已有 159002 次阅读2012-8-12 11:43 |系统分类:珍珠湾| Copyright

A user who posts his or her original content on Zhenzhubay.com grants a perpetual, non-exclusive license to Zhenzhubay.com and its affiliated websites, such as zzwave.com, for the publication of such original content on zhenzhubay websites. The copyright owner of the original content retains the copyright of the content.

To make a copyright infringement notification, please consult your legal counsel or refer to 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)(3) for the requirements.

You must follow the following procedures to make a copyright infringement notification to us.

1. Identify the infringed material on ZhenZhuBay.com, OHaiWan.com, zzwave.com or zzwav.com, by providing the specific and direct URL to the specific web page containing infringing material; if the material is embedded within a page, you must specifically identify the elements that are allegedly infringed;

2. Provide written documentation to support your claim of copyright ownership or that you are an authorized agent of the copyright owner; If the copyright is registered, please provide the copyright certificate; if the work has not been registered, or you are acting on behalf of the copyright owner, a statement that the copyright claim is accurate and made under penalty of perjury must be provided;

3. A statement that you hold a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner or the law. This statement must be signed. 

4. Your contact information, including phone number, fax number, address and email address. 

Email these documents to zzwave.com@gmail.com with the subject line: "Copyright Infringement Notification From [YOUR NAME]" AND fax the same documents to +1 510-291-2237. For faster response, you may also post a notification in the comments area below.

We will promptly respond to your request.








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