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分享 诗歌翻译 Cameo Appearance
热度 11 shen_fuen 2012-6-24 04:46
诗歌翻译 Cameo Appearance Naturally you walk on water, with stunning grace In owe, we fix our gazes at everyone of your steps We know nothing of your residence Your sudden appearance is a real surprise Personally I can't remember what I've done to earn the front row of this once a life time splendor I can only savor the moment in absolute silence knowing how much luxury this life really is The air continues to purify as you breathe Flowers bloom with happiness and brilliance We know, all of us know you're not here for long Yet, this moment will brighten us the rest of the way 水面上, 你向我们走来, 优雅,从容。 肃然中, 我们凝视着你的每一步。 不知道你来自何方, 你的突然出现是那样的 令人惊奇! 我还真记不住 曾经做过什么, 能让我如此清晰的目睹 这毕生难求的荣耀; 我只能默默地 享受这一刻, 感知此生的奢华。 你的气息, 纯净着空气; 连花儿都开得那样的 欢乐,鲜艳! 我知道…我们都知道, 你不会在这里停留, 可是这一刻的光芒, 会将我们未来的路 照亮!
5346 次阅读|16 个评论
分享 【有奖翻译】Cameo Appearance
热度 20 RidgeWalker 2012-6-21 00:33
这首诗写出来有些日子了。按道理,写出来就写出来了,就在角落里搁着吧,只是有的朋友看英文不把式,非要咱翻译成中文不可。正常情况下翻译自己写出来的句子应该没有问题,毕竟知根知底嘛。搞不懂的是,翻译这几行时感觉了前所未有的棘手。 就想到在这里设个擂台,嘿嘿,广征翻译高手。 特设一等奖金钱100,二等奖50,三等奖10。希望admin资助。 人家有印钱机,马上就应承了, 一等奖300,二等奖200,三等奖100。 么子意思么?故意显得咱腰包干瘪。咳,算了,不追究了,愿意挣钱的赶快现身吧。 凡是动用网上翻译机器者,给本擂倒贴100元。真功夫不能含糊的。 ------------------------------ Cameo Appearance Naturally you walk on water, with stunning grace In owe, we fix our gazes at everyone of your steps We know nothing of your residence Your sudden appearance is a real surprise Personally I can't remember what I've done to earn the front row of this once a life time splendor I can only savor the moment in absolute silence knowing how much luxury this life really is The air continues to purify as you breathe Flowers bloom with happiness and brilliance We know, all of us know you're not here for long Yet, this moment will brighten us the rest of the way January 31, 2012
个人分类: 自由诗|15732 次阅读|92 个评论


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