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分享 当代“最伟大”的哲学家去世了 -- 谁知道
热度 2 岳东晓 2016-6-12 14:20
刚才在网上随意浏览,突然看到 Hilary Putnam 于2016年3月去世了。根据 这个 2015年的评估 ,他是当代“最伟大”的哲学家。当然这种排名存在很多主观因素,但如果不是“最伟大至少是前三名吧。 谁知道他呢 ? 下面是一段介绍:【 An account of the word-world relation (the relation between words and the things in the world they refer to or represent) is thus considered fundamental to contemporary philosophy. .. Moreover, truth and meaning are closely linked. To determine whether a certain sentence is true, one must be able to understand the sentence, to know what it means.. . Theories of truth and meaning are thus inherently interconnected. This connection is manifest in Putnam’s conception of meaning, first proposed in his classic paper “ The Meaning of ‘Meaning’ ” (1975), which construes meanings not as purely mental entities (e.g., mental images) or as purely conceptual constructs but as being anchored in external reality. This conception, known as semantic externalism , can therefore serve as a basis for an objective account of truth and knowledge. Consequently, it can also support realism—and was indeed employed by Putnam (and many others after him) to that end.】 翻译如下:【字词与事物的关系对于现代哲学来说是根本的。真与意紧密相连。为了确定一个句子是否真,人们必须理解这个句子,懂得其含义。真的理论与含义的理论因此存在固有的内在关联。这种关联在 Putnam 的经典论文“含义的含义”得到了充分的阐述,他将含义不是作为单纯的脑内印象或者纯粹的概念构造,而是基于外部现实。这一概念,被称为语义外部主义,因而可以作为真理与知识的客观基础。】 我在网上找到了“含义的含义”一文,有兴趣的可以看看。 7.3_Putnam.pdf
个人分类: 科普|5716 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 杨澜英语口语错误分析
热度 3 岳东晓 2014-7-26 05:37
VANO贴出了 一段杨澜的英语 ,我听了一遍,语调不错,比闵南方舟子好多了,但是几个发音明显不准,而 机器识别 证实了这一点。 机器识别杨澜说的内容是【ge ntleman lyrics of neck song is originated from the 2000 year old Chinese Asian poen which is about the young men's erection and longing for beautiful lady to whom he has no access well gentlemen you understand that feeling】 下面我来分析一下: 1)next -- neck 我也没听到这个后面的st,只听到 nek,而且这个ne还发得特重。另外,语法错误,next 之前没有the。 2)ancient -- Asian 前面这个an 似乎发成了 a,没有这个n, 而且后面的 t 非常不清楚。对于英语来说,元音稍微短点无所谓,但辅音如果忽略就听不懂了。 3)admiration --- erection 为什么机器完全没有识别出这个字? 实际上杨澜读的是 admire - ration ,就是把 admire 后面加个 ation。但这个词应该把i轻读成uh,而且较短,后面ra-tion重读。因为重音不对,导致机器无法识别。 另外,机器识别poem成了poen,从口型看杨澜似乎对,嘴唇闭上了,但可能没有发出鼻音,导致机器未能正确识别。 值得安慰的是,人对语音的识别能力比机器强多了,机器完全是根据发音判断,但人能够根据上下文进行分析。
个人分类: 小学启蒙|11018 次阅读|19 个评论


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