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热度 5已有 14368 次阅读2014-3-1 02:19 |个人分类:法律|系统分类:SCA5限华法案

Dear State (Senator Hernandez/____)/(Assembly Member ___),

Almost ten years have passed since the State legislature first considered bills to permit racial preferences in public education in 2004. During that time, Latino enrollment in the U.C. has grown from 24,771 in 2003 to 41,810 in 2012, percentagewise, from 12.59% to 19.2% of the U.C. domestic student body (data source: http://legacy-its.ucop.edu/uwnews/stat/ ). Latino students are doing better at school year over year.

So, please don't give up on them so easily. They don't need racial tickets. They just need to study a bit harder, get a high school diploma, and complete the prerequisite courses for attending a university. I know quite a few Latinos, they are honest, smart and work very hard. If Latinos really want to do something, they can achieve it by their own effort.

As the attached paper shows, since Latino girls are doing 60% better than Latino boys, all you need to do is to help the boys study more. There are attendance laws that require students to study. By enforcing these existing laws, we should see substantial improvement in the U.C. enrollment rate for Latinos. There is no need to institutionalize racial discrimination in the State Constitution in any shape or form.

It is an odious and ominous proposition to permit racial discrimination by the State. SCA5 reminds us of the 1879 California Constitution, which had a discriminatory section titled "CHINESE" in it. SCA5 makes a lot of people having sleepless nights, some preparing to struggle against it, others fearful of a future when constitutional rights of minorities are trampled through democratic processes . SCA5 violates Equal Protection and is very dangerous to the racially diverse California.


Please withdraw/STOP SCA5.


Than you for your consideration.








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回复 VANO 2014-3-1 03:04
回复 中西部网客 2014-3-1 03:11
在思考,Hernandez 很狡猾,他并没有把任何种族歧视的文字加进SCA5,只是把 Prop 209 中的 public education 给拿掉了,他也多次强调不会用配额,只是让教育部门自己决定,因此万一走到公投通过,必须采取法律诉讼时,指控SCA5种族歧视违宪可能会被认定为 unfounded,给议员的信是否加上 Dr. Hernandez 多次强调他的动机是大学招"Qualified,best and brightest candidates",他的提案完全是多此一举,Leave the job to universities admission officers, they are more qualified than any of us. 如果动机是把 non-qualified or under-qualified candidates 硬塞进加洲公立大学,既是对有限资源的浪费,也是违宪行为。
回复 岳东晓 2014-3-1 03:12
中西部网客: 在思考,Hernandez 很狡猾,他并没有把任何种族歧视的文字加进SCA5,只是把 Prop 209 中的 public education 给拿掉了,他也多次强调不会用配额,只是让教育部 ...
回复 乔雨风 2014-3-1 05:56
First, I applaud you for taking the time to research the issue and draft the letter. It won’t hurt for anybody who wants to voice their opinion to use this letter.
Personally, I sense that the tune is a little condescending. My two cents.
回复 稻草 2014-3-1 09:08


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