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上海的英国商人 Hogg Brothers

已有 301 次阅读2024-4-28 06:59 |个人分类:鸦片|系统分类:转帖-知识

The firm Hogg Brothers was active in the manufacture and trade of silk from 1860 until 1899, at Shanghai. The brothers included Alfred G. Hogg, James Hogg, and Edward Jenner Hogg. Edward Jenner Hogg is described as "the doyen of foreign residents in Shanghai ... [haven] taken, indirectly, a larger share than any other man in the work of developing the Settlement ... 

Born in Cheshire in 1838, Mr. Jenner Hogg was educated privately and came to Shanghai as early as 1857 to join the old firm of Lindsay & Co., which had been established many years previously by former servants of the East India Company. He remained with the firm, in which his brother was a partner, until 1860, when he and his brother commenced trading together on their own account ..." (see: Wright, Arnold. Twentieth-century impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other treaty ports of China, 1908, pages 515-518). Edward Jenner and his 
brother James also served as Italian consul in Shanghai.

The samples include nine swatches in shades of blue and three swatches in shades of purple. Samples are mounted on accordion-folded pages, 
two samples per page (each sample 14 x 17 cm). Each sample is framed by strips of embossed gold paper. Each is numbered, and a second value 
is recorded for "Ps."

Bound in card covered in light blue-green paper, with patterned paper borders. The front cover bears a paper label, embossed in blue and gold, titled in ink: "I. case, Hogg Brothers, Shanghai, 14 HD [?]."

上海中山公园和圣约翰这块地以前是英国商人 HOGG 家族企业








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