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热度 20已有 23762 次阅读2014-2-27 12:31 |个人分类:法律|系统分类:SCA5限华法案| 英文









刚表态过的朋友 (17 人)


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回复 宜修 2014-2-27 12:48
回复 wx1wx2 2014-2-27 14:28
回复 VANO 2014-2-27 16:57
回复 玫瑰红茶 2014-2-28 01:32
回复 Cateye 2014-2-28 02:22
good job Lao Yue!  let's get the words out to the public  as soon as possible. The whole america needs to see these words. Thank you for your work!  
回复 Cateye 2014-2-28 02:25
赫男得死因该回到high school 帮拉丁裔读好高中再回来谈什么大学的入学率问题。击中要害。太棒了。
回复 ww_719 2014-2-28 07:24

1. It is obviously Asians versus Latinos. 没其他族裔什么事,但你是说其他族裔(比如白人)是有影响的.
2. He is confused. Do you want to against the SCA5? or do you want to solve the problem of Latino enrollment.
3. You don't want the people to think that you are judging Latino's life style. (从我们角度Latino生活方式当然是那样,但我们不能让其他族裔感觉我们在管人家的生活方式).

Hopefully you just forcus on the constitutional issue and not the Latino enrollment issue.

回复 炎黄之子 2014-2-28 07:39
回复 UPS 2014-2-28 07:46
回复 岳东晓 2014-2-28 07:46
ww_719: 想听听我老公看后的第一感觉吗?

1. It is obviously Asians versus Latinos. 没其他族裔什么事,但你是说其他族裔(比如白人)是有影响的.
2. He is confused. Do  ...

1. It is up to the whites to decide whether they want race based preferences. But I have already hinted, 620,000 white men died in the civil war, whose main legacy is the 14th Amendment. State racial discrimination in public education will open a can of worms.

2. He does not seem to understand the crux of the issue. Identifying race neutral alternative to the solution of Latino under-representation at the U.C. is the key to defeat SCA5. But one probably needs some understanding of the law to see why this is so.

3. This has nothing to do with lifestyle, but relates directly to what Hernandez is complaining about: under-representation of Latinos in the U.C.
回复 岳东晓 2014-2-28 07:48
炎黄之子: 文章写的很好,个别词和语序可以再斟酌(最好请在这里长大不太懂中文的人看看)。另外,娃娃说的有道理,正文应集中在SCA5上,特别是在前言部分。关于老墨高中升 ...
回复 炎黄之子 2014-2-28 07:55
岳东晓: 我英语写作比大部分受过教育的白人好。
回复 岳东晓 2014-2-28 08:01
炎黄之子: 不是英语问题,有时是表达习惯。我也说不明白,就是天长日久在这里后的直觉。我也是乱说了。好文,辛苦!   ...
回复 ww_719 2014-2-28 09:28
岳东晓: 你可以让你LG参与讨论嘛

1. It is up to the whites to decide whether they want race based preferences. But I have already hinted, 620,000 whi ...

I agree that whites will determine the ultimate outcome.  But do you get their attention with a history lecture?  So many are blind to their own history.  Your points are all very valid, and I do not question their legitimacy.  My point is that the way it is written may lose the attention of your intended audience.  

The points you make about the unconstitutionality of the SCA-5 are very, very clear and accurate.  The remaining points regarding Latino achievement are going to strike Latinos as being racist, and you're suddenly fighting 2 battles.

Hernandez is a racist.  No need to stoop to his level.
回复 岳东晓 2014-2-28 09:46
ww_719: Answer:

I agree that whites will determine the ultimate outcome.  But do you get their attention with a history lecture?  So many are blind to their  ...
I could not prove that Hernandez is a racist, nor did I condemn his desire to have more Latinos in college, but I showed that his proposition is state racial discrimination, which is unconstitutional.

I wrote: [The Supreme Court has warned us that racial distinctions 'threaten to stigmatize individuals by reason of their membership in a racial group and to incite racial hostility.' ... In the wake of SCA5, people can no longer regard themselves as Californians or Americans only, but must entrench themselves along racial lines.]

This is just the dynamics of a racially diverse society. Once Hernandez and the State legislature make race a factor of life, no one can bury his or her head in the sand and pretends that the Sun also rises tomorrow. The way to battle is is to be blunt about it, face the music so to speak. Continuing on the Hernandez path, we may well see a race war. I am pointing Hernandez and his supporters to the crystal ball.

And I am saying, Mr. Hernandez, don't give up on Latino kids so easily, they don't need your race tickets, just help them study harder if you'd like them to be better educated.

There are three groups, the Latinos, the whites, and the Asians. The whites have the swing vote, I believe that in their heart most of them  will vote NO. We only need to provide the moral and constitutional grounds for doing so.
回复 彼岸网 2014-2-28 10:17
回复 岳东晓 2014-2-28 11:04
彼岸网: 支持岳先生的义举!
回复 一湬 2014-2-28 12:08
回复 一湬 2014-2-28 22:23
岳东晓: 谢谢。定稿之后,就给Hernandez,以及各众议员发去。
定稿了请通知下, 要发出去。
回复 岳东晓 2014-3-1 13:15
一湬: 定稿了请通知下, 要发出去。


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