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热度 2已有 4685 次阅读2014-1-13 19:01 |个人分类:zt|系统分类:转帖-娱乐幽默| 方舟子

乡野一闲叟:方舟子丑丢大了:抄袭老师“道歉”还诡辩,“根伯”再批不留情! ... ... ...










Dear Dr. Root-Bernstein,


In 1995 when I was a graduate student at MSU, I posted a short writing to an online forum called alt.chinese.text when there was a debate about pseudoscience among oversea Chinese students. It was an informal, casual follow-up to a discussion thread, not an academic paper or assignment. Part of it paraphrased the criteria of science from your article. I presented the criteria of science as "consensus in philosophy of science" and give my own examples to explain it. This writing was revised and formally published in one of my books in 1999, and it cited the source as "According to the summary by Root-Bernstein", and when the criteria were mentioned again in another book of mine in 2007, it gave reference as "On Defining a Scientific Theory: Creationism Considered, Robert Root-Bernstein, Science and Creationism, Oxford University Press, 1984".(Without this reference, I don't believe the supporters of Xiao Chuanguo, the surgeon who hired assailants to attack me using pepper spray and hammer after I exposed his malpractice, could track down the source and report the "plagiarism" to you and MSU administration 16 years later. I have deleted email addresses of four Xiao's supporters in this reply)


I never presented the criteria as my own original idea, nor did I copy your wordings. And when it's formally published, the source had been credited and cited. Therefore I don't think it consists of plagiarism or copyright infringement according to the common accepted definitions with which you disagree. But it's inappropriate not to explicitly credit you in my original posting, and I apologize for it.




Shi-min Fang





 Dear Shi-min Fang,


Thank you for admitting your error in failing to cite my article in your initial online essay, and for the apology regarding it.  I do not, however, believe that your response adequately addresses the points I made in my open letter. The issue is not a matter of a missing citation, which, since you have corrected it, would be a minor matter indeed. The issue is that you have appropriated my entire argument and most of the examples that I use to support it. Whether we want to label this "plagiarism" or "copyright infringement" or some combination of the two is irrelevant. The fact is that you did not alter my argument in any way; you did not mix it or modify it with other peoples's arguments; and you presented it in exactly the same order and (and here I must insist on this) using the same language.  Now you add the additional insult in arguing that I am mis-using the concepts of plagiarism and copyright infringement in making my accusations. And you do so without justifying this attack upon my supposed ignorance. So how, exactly, do you define plagiarism and copyright infringement? At what point did you inquire of me or of Oxford University Press the right to use a large portion of my article, or even to popularize it?


Please note that I am sending this to all of the people who have expressed interest in this issue. As I said in my open letter to you, I want to use this as an educational forum. Your attempt to prevent those who you consider your "enemies" from having a voice in this discussion undermines the openness with which I approached you and is counter-productive. 




Bob Root-Bernstein


哈哈!“真诚的(Sincerely)方舟子(Shi-min Fang)被“真诚的(Sincerely)“根伯”(Bob Root-Bernstein)真诚地再批了一次,那么方舟子是否应当再“真诚地”道歉一次呢?



















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回复 岳东晓 2014-1-14 01:37
方舟子抄袭的例子太多了。其所谓科普文章而言,很多是整篇地翻译他人的著作。 当然,这并不影响他打假,自己搞假的人也许对做假的更能知己知彼,这可能是方舟子能够很快抓住唐骏、韩寒作假的马脚的原因之一。而很多支持方舟子打假的(包括我)也正是看到了这一点。
回复 炎黄之子 2014-1-14 02:02
岳东晓: 方舟子抄袭的例子太多了。其所谓科普文章而言,很多是整篇地翻译他人的著作。 当然,这并不影响他打假,自己搞假的人也许对做假的更能知己知彼,这可能是方舟子 ...
岳东晓,有一点我非常尊重你,你不是那种打假还做假的小人 ,你有真正的骨子的自信和傲气。方肘子和阿懵两人根本没有,他两本质上是一路人。


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